
The website " " is a property of Akkor International (ZA du Mittelfeld, 2 rue Alfred Kastler, 67300 Schiltigheim, France), as well as the KozySocks pages on social networks (such as FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, GOOGLE+, etc.)

EURL with a capital of 4000€.
Siret 452 243 777 00029
RCS Strasbourg TI 452243777
Intracommunity VAT number: FR06 452243777

The company is represented by Mr Ugur Akkor.
The Director of the publication is Mrs Sandrine Akkor.

For any request concerning a product, an order, for any suggestion, information, reaction concerning this site, contact us or tel: 0033 (0)9 52 73 40 32

Design - Production

SARL Akkor International - 2 rue Alfred Kastler - F-67300 Schiltigheim
This website was created using the open-source solution PrestaShop™.


This website is hosted by the company DIATEM, a limited liability company with a capital of €200,000, whose registered office is located at 2 rue de Dublin - Espace Européen de l'Entreprise - 67300 Schiltigheim, registered in the Strasbourg Trade and Companies Register under number 2002 B 1091, SIRET code 443 355 987 00043, NAF code 722C, on a server based in France. 


The content of the site is protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code and all applicable legislative and regulatory provisions. Under these conditions, all or part of the names, denominations, logos, acronyms, expressions, drawings and products appearing on this site constitute trademarks or registered elements protected by copyright.

Consequently, any reproduction, copy, adaptation, publication, distribution, broadcasting or use, on any medium whatsoever, of the said protected elements or trademarks which has not been previously authorised by KozySocks/Akkor International is strictly forbidden.

Non-compliance with these rules may result in civil and penal liability for the offender. In addition, KozySocks/Akkor International reminds you that it has no control over and does not accept any responsibility for the creation of links to external sites to and for the content of these sites.

Access to other sites is the sole responsibility of the Internet user and KozySocks/Akkor International may in no case be held responsible for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of its site or other sites linked to it.

To limit this type of risk, the inclusion of a link to must be authorised by us.

Personal data

In accordance with the application of the General Data Protection Regulation, KozySocks is committed to respecting and protecting the personal data that you provide to us.

To exercise your rights, please send us a letter specifying your last name, first name and address to KOZYSOCKS - SARL Akkor International - ZA du Mittelfeld - 2 rue Alfred Kastler - 67300 Schiltigheim - FRANCE

Or Contact us here

1- Data collection and use

We only process and use your data to the extent that it is necessary, more precisely to :

- Contact you via our newsletter or emailing (information, advertising, promotion, surveys)

- Process your requests and orders

- Create and manage your access to our online services

The recipients of the data are the sales department and the marketing department. This information may be communicated in whole or in part to Akkor International's service providers involved in the execution of the order.

The customer is informed that the same personal data may also be collected by an organisation in charge of analysing orders and fighting against credit card fraud. 

2 - Your rights

2.1 Right of access

You have the right to access your personal data for the aims of the processing as well as the identity of the recipients of your data, free of charge. If you wish to have access, please contact us at

2.2 Right of objection

You have the right to object to the processing carried out as well as to any use for commercial prospecting purposes. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us at

2.3 Right of rectification

If the data you have provided us with is inaccurate or incomplete, correction and modification options are available in your customer area.

2.4 Right to be forgotten

You may, at any time, request that we delete your personal data. Your request will be processed as soon as possible if one of the following reasons applies:

- The data is no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing

- You wish to withdraw your consent

- To comply with a legal obligation

- If it concerns personal data of a child collected in the context of a direct offer of information society services

- In the context of unlawful processing

If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us at

2.5 Right to portability

You may, at any time, recover your data and transfer them to one or more other service providers. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us at

2.6 Right to limit processing

You may request the restriction of processing, in particular if:

- You dispute the accuracy of the data

- You wish to limit the use of your data rather than exercise your right to erasure

- When we no longer need it

Retention period

We do not keep your personal data indefinitely in our computer files. Your data is kept for 3 years if you do not make any purchases on our online shop after creating your customer account, and 5 years from the day you made your last order.

File registered with the CNIL n°1631766

Applicable law

Any question relating to the present general conditions of sale as well as to the sales which they govern, which would not be dealt with by the present contractual stipulations, will be governed by French law to the exclusion of any other law, and as a supplement, by the Vienna Convention on the international sale of goods.

In case of difficulty or complaint in connection with an order, the customer may contact the customer service to find an amicable solution. You can reach the customer service department of the online shop here

Copyright and credits

© 2021 KOZYSOCKS - SARL Akkor International - ZA du Mittelfeld - 2 rue Alfred Kastler - 67300 Schiltigheim - FRANCE

Our Creative Director: Vincent Béal from my dear créa

Our favourite graphic designer: Das Ganz

© Photos by the talented Alix Häfner

Thanks to the Centre équestre des Deux Rives in Strasbourg and the Poney Club et Elevage in Waltenheim-sur-Zorn for their warm welcome! The KozySocks team is delighted to have been able to work with their riders and would like to thank them too. 

The legal mentions have been modified on 07/02/2020